Dr.S.R.Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing, a Pioneering project, which was established in 1977, was an answer to the long felt and urgent need for clinical services and rehabilitation of the Speech and Hearing Impaired.
The first speech and hearing was organized by Lions club of Bangalore East in November 1974 . The hundreds of handicapped people who flocked to the camp was a revelation to the enormity of the problem and the inadequate facilities available.
In February 1975, a Speech and Hearing Trust was formed for this purpose by Lions club of Bangalore East and the foundation stone for building was held in june 1975. The full-fledged institution was inaugurated on 30th January 1977 and became functional from 1s February 1977.
Under the umbrella of Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust, Dr. S.R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing (Dr.SRCISH) has been providing rehabilitative services for the last 40 years.
Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust, the brainchild of renowned ENT surgeon, Late Dr. S.R. Chandrasekhar, came into being in the year 1977with the noble intention of rehabilitating the differently abled persons and children with speech and hearing impairment to help them lead a dignified and meaningful life. The Trust is basically a voluntary social welfare organization specialized to serve persons with Speech, Language, Hearing and Communication disorders. The various welfare activities of the Trust include Clinical Services, Sunaad School for the Hearing Impaired, Mothers’ Training Program, Health camps, Mobile Clinic and Institute of Speech and Hearing.
It was the first to establish dedicated clinical services in the private sector and make it affordable for all. Being a charitable and non-profit organization, the institute provides free of cost services to government hospitals, NGOs and other departments.
Since its inception, the institute has served more than 6 lakh people and many deserving have received treatment free of cost. The institute has reached a formidable position of national importance and achieved status as one among the best institutes in India. More than 3000 patients per month visit the institute for treatment of speech, language, hearing and psychological disorders. The clinic also conducts outreach camps regularly and also distributes hearing aids free of cost to the needy. To further strengthen the outreach activities, the institute has launched a LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) Mobile Speech and Hearing Clinic to reach out the unreached and needy at a nominal cost.
These feats were possible with the generous contributions received from Trustees, Donors, NGOs and Voluntary Organizations Lions etc.
More than 3000 patients per month visit the Institute for treatment for hearing, speech & language, and psychosocial problems. We also have a “Mother’s Training Centre” for Hearing Impaired children where mothers are also trained to teach their children with hearing impairment. The Institute runs the Sunaad School for Hearing Impaired children where 200 children belonging to low socio economic strata are studying from Pre-School to 10thStandard, free of cost, the school is fully supported by Government of Karnataka, through child centric grant. The Institute has an Auditory Verbal Therapy Program for children post Cochlear implant surgery.
The Institute realized that all cannot or know about us and reach us. Therefore outreach camps are conducted regularly and hearing aids free of cost to the needy are also distributes through Govt. aid like ALIMCO. To further strengthen the outreach activates Institute with the help of LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) 75000 US Dollars started a Mobile Speech and Hearing Clinic to reach out to the unreached needy patients at a nominal cost.
The Institute has conducted various Research activities, related to the field of Hearing , Speech, Language and Communication it’s disorders and management. As a result Institute first look up translation and adaption of John Tracy clinic (USA ) correspondence program in Kannada and Successfully completed. In continuation with the research activities Instituted has established Dr.B.N.Gupta Research Centre- as a part of this research activities two specialized clinics namely : a) Neuro communicative rehabilitative clinic and b) Vestibular clinics has been established
We are happy that the society has recognized our services in so many ways. Our Institution, our founder, our trustees have received many awards & accolades. Government of Karnataka Rajyothsava Award Government of Karnataka State Award , Excellence in Achievement by RCI ,India , Public Relations Council of India NGO of year award, Rotary Bangalore Orchards Par Excellence Award, BBMP Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Award, Genius Book of Records as Life Time Achievement Award & Wonder Book of Records as Life Time Achievement International Award, EdTech Best Industry Academia Institute South 2019 Award By EdTech Review ,Public Relations Council of India Chanakya Award, Educational Excellence Award, Vasavi Siri Award, and Best Individual State Award are just a few to name.
Today our Institute not only provides clinical services to patients with Hearing, Language, Speech disorder but also conducts Diploma in Special Education (HI) 1987, Under graduate course BASLP (1993) Post Graduate courses M. Sc Speech and Hearing 1998 , M.Sc (SLP) 2006, M.Sc (Aud )2006 , Ph.D recognition 2000. In addition to these regular courses Institute also provides many fellowship shorter programs. We say it with pride that all this has been done with the contribution, received from Trustees, Donors, and NGOs & Voluntary Organizations like Lions & Rotary Clubs.
The Institute has ambitious project of establishing satellite center at South Bangalore, Tumkur and Pavagada for reaching to the remote villages.

Qualification: PG
Duration: 2 YEAR
Specialization: Audiology Speech Language and Pathology

Qualification: UG
Duration: 2 YEAR
Specialization: Speech Language Pathology

Qualification: PLUS TWO
Duration: 2 YEAR
Specialization: Special Education (Hearing Impairment)

Qualification: UG
Duration: 5 MONTHS


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