The Ramaiah Group of Institutions was founded by Late Founder Chairman, Sri. M. S. Ramaiah. The group runs 29 institutions in Education and Healthcare which are housed on a 70-acre campus in the heart of Bengaluru city.
Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research, under the aegis of “Gokula Education Foundation”, was established in 1987. RINER is a constituent unit of Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS)-A state private university and is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council of (INC).
The undergraduate nursing programme provide the educational foundation to prepare the next generation of nursing professionals. The undergraduate nurses of our institution are preferred by the biggest of hospitals in India and are picked up by overseas recruiters as the students possess broad knowledge and efficient clinical skill in rendering patient care. The postgraduates are well equipped to take up leadership and administrative roles.
We conduct need based short courses for the nurses working in our parent hospital and other hospitals regularly. In 2019, we conducted a capacity building programme for 19 nurses working with TATA coffee estates of Coorg and Haasan districts of Karnataka.
We have signed an MOU with Montana State University, USA to conduct student and faculty exchange programmes. We are also looking forward for research collaboration with our international partners.

Qualification: UG
Duration: 2 YEAR
Specialization: Nursing Programme

Qualification: PLUS TWO
Duration: 3 YEARS
Specialization: General Nursing and Midwifery


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